Emily the Strange: The Lost Days  
作者:Reger, Rob  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780061912382  
原價:NT 217 元  
售價:NT 174 元  


Emily may be odd, but she always gets even!

Meet Emily, the peculiar soul with long black hair, a wit of fire, and a posse of slightly sinister black cats. Famous for her barbed commentary and independent spirit, this rebel-child in black has spawned an Internet and merchandising phenomenon (Emily's web site gets 35,000 hits per month!). Emily the Strange, her first book, captures the quintessential Emily, featuring her most beloved quips and a host of new ones. Anarchist, heroine, survivor, this little girl with a big personality appeals to the odd child in us all.

怪異的艾美莉: 13歲。如果她願意的話,也許會跳過高高的樓房;很有可能與她的四隻黑貓一起午睡;或利用軟麻布、小扁豆與安全別針搗鼓出一台粒子加速器;或打鼓/彈吉他/吹薩克斯管/演奏齊特琴;或繪製一副旋渦狀的下水道壁畫;或強迫別人連續快速講13次“旋渦狀的下水道壁畫”,然而就在一旁大笑。


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